
Guangzhou-Antwerp Port Training & Consultancy Co., Ltd.

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Notice on Holding a Special Seminar on High Quality Development of Port and Shipping
Time:2023-04-06 Tours:1263

All relevant units:

In order to deeply implement the concept of high-quality development, better adapt to the new situation and the requirements of the new era for the port and shipping industry, bring new knowledge, new concepts, and new forces to the transportation (port and shipping) management department and port and shipping enterprises, further cultivate port and shipping composite management talents, and promote the high-quality development of the transportation (port and shipping) industry. Guangzhou Antwerp Port Education Consulting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as GAPEC) plans to hold a special seminar on high-quality development of port and shipping in Qingdao in May. The specific matters are notified as follows:

1、 Training object

(1) Management personnel of port and terminal enterprises and logistics institutions;
       (2) Management personnel of shipping enterprises, shipping agencies, freight forwarding agencies, and shipbuilding enterprises;
      (3) Management personnel of bulk commodity trading and investment institutions such as shipping transactions;
      (4) Personnel related to shipping arbitration, insurance, financial institutions, and port and waterway professional service institutions;
      (5) Personnel from government departments at all levels, transportation (port and waterway) management departments, relevant research institutions, and teachers from transportation (navigation) colleges and universities.

2、 Training courses

(1) Benchmarking world-class ports and promoting high-quality development of ports;
           (2) Container transportation management: perspective on the rights and obligations of all parties involved in container transportation;
           (3) The current international container competition pattern, trends, and cases of enterprise transformation and development;
           (4) Learn from Shandong Port Group's high-quality port management experience (Shandong Port Group's business backbone discussion and exchange);
           (5) On site teaching: Qingdao Port Fully Automated Terminal, Qingdao Cruise Home Port, and other terminals.

3、 Training time and location

(1) Time: May 30th, 2023 to June 3rd, 2023, hotel check-in on May 30th, return on June 3rd.
           (2) Training location: West Coast Building, Shandong Port, Qingdao (No. 877 Lijiang West Road, Huangdao District, Qingdao, Shandong Province).

4、 Training teachers

Yin Xiangyu: Chief Engineer and Associate Researcher of the Economic Policy and Development Strategy Research Center of the Water Transport Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport.
           Zhao Yifei: Associate Professor at the Antai School of Economics and Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Assistant Dean of the Sino American Logistics Research Institute, Master's Supervisor, and Doctoral Student at the University of Tokyo, Japan.
           Zhang Yongfeng: Director, Chief Consultant, Master's Supervisor, and Young Technology Talent in Transportation at the International Shipping Research Institute of Shanghai International Shipping Research Center.
          Also invite a port and shipping business expert from Shandong Port Group.

5、 Training expenses and other matters

(1) The training fee is 2850 yuan per person, and the fee will be paid upon check-in or transferred in advance (accommodation and meals will be arranged uniformly, and transportation expenses will be borne by oneself). Please fill out the registration receipt form as soon as possible, stamp the official seal of the unit, and fax it to the class management team.

(2) Please transfer the training fee to the following account:

Account Name: Guangzhou Antwerp Port Education Consulting Co., Ltd

Bank of Deposit: Guangzhou Gangwan Square Branch of China Construction Bank Corporation

Account number: 44050147004109007101

6、 Training organization and registration

    (1) After the completion of the training, the trainees can be awarded a training certificate from Guangzhou Antwerp Port Education Consulting Co., Ltd. (GAPEC).

 (2) Please attach great importance to it and seize the time to register for learning. For specific matters, please contact GAPEC staff and email the "Registration Receipt Form for Hong Kong and Shipping High Quality Development Special Training Course" before May 9th.

Contact person: Yang Siying 020-8441226215902091723 (same WeChat account)

                        Peng Jie 020-83059951   

Email: gapecgz@163.com


enclosure:1.Introduction to Guangzhou Antwerp Port Education Consulting Co., Ltd. (GAPEC)

              2. Registration Receipt Form for Special Training Course on High Quality Development of Port and Shipping



Guangzhou Antwerp Port Education Consulting Co., Ltd

                                                                                                                                                     March 14, 2023