Huang JianHuang Jian, chairman of Guangzhou-Antwerp Port Training & Consultancy Co., Ltd., director of Guangzh...
Liu GuojinLiu Guojin, master of economics in Fudan University in Shanghai, master of management in Université...
Kristof WaterschootKristof Waterschoot: male, Belgian Nationality, MA in economics, University Antwerp, has a good kno...
Tessa MajorTessa Major: female, Belgian Nationality, Biology, MSc.and Marine and Lacustrine Sciences, Un...
Zhang YongfengZhang Yongfeng is the director of International Shipping Research Department, Shanghai International...
Zhao YifeiZhao Yifei, associate professor of Antai College of Economics & Management of Shanghai Jiao Tong Uni...
Duan HualiDuan Huali is the vice chairman and general manager of chairman of Guangzhou-Antwerp Port Training &...
Xie ZhaojiXie Zhaoji, director of Guangzhou-Antwerp Port Training & Consultancy Co., Ltd., vice director of Gu...
Yang ZhenxiangYang Zhenxiang, deputy director of the Education and Training Center of Guangzhou Port Group Co., Lt...